Final Research Paper Your research paper should be at least 5 full pages in leng

April 28, 2024

Final Research Paper
Your research paper should be at least 5 full pages in length (not including the works cited page).  Use at least 5 academic/scholarly sources in support of your ideas.  MLA format is required.
There is a clear and focused introduction. The thesis is clear, original, and sophisticated. The ideas embedded in the thesis are appropriate to the length of the assignment. The content provides quality (not padded, dull writing, repetitive or margin/enlarged font-cheating). Effort and sensitivity to the study are evident.
The thesis is a specific argument developed from the topic.
Paragraphs are composed around topics, which naturally and organically emerge from a complex, focused, and sophisticated thesis. Each paragraph explores one subtopic and directly relates to the thesis of the paper. Paragraphs completely and fully develop and explain the ideas and examples.  Paragraphs rise above commonplace thinking and summary. Quoted material is used powerfully to support analytical points (and not as padding). There is a graceful transition to the next paragraph. The ideas explored are significant, substantive, and instructive.
Grammar refers to the correct usage of Standard American English. Mechanics refer to idiomatic conventions (capitalization of proper nouns, spelling, and punctuation). Style refers to persuasiveness, sophistication, wit, and transcendent quality. Sentences should be varied in length and complexity without loss of clarity or precision of meaning. Style makes a paper a pleasure to read.
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Final Paper Rubric
Final Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus (Thesis)
15 pts
Very Good (A)
Thesis is clear, fully developed, insightful and effectively responds to prompt.
11 pts
Good (B-C)
Has a thesis that responds to the prompt, but it is vague or not fully developed.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Thesis does not respond to the prompt, is too general to provide a focus for the essay, or doesn’t exist.
0 pts
No Evidence
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization (Topic Sentences)
15 pts
Very Good (A)
Topic sentences are clearly written, fluent, and aligned with the main ideas related to the thesis, and those main ideas are presented in a logical order.
11 pts
Good (B-C)
Topic sentences lack clarity and/or fluency, but are aligned with thesis and logically ordered.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Topic sentences are vague or non-existent.
0 pts
No Evidence
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupporting Ideas
25 pts
Very Good (A)
Evidence and explanations are relevant, fluent and adequately support topic sentences.
17 pts
Good (B-C)
Evidence and explanations are relevant but need further development.
9 pts
Needs Improvement
Evidence and explanations are not all relevant or adequate.
0 pts
No Evidence
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
5 pts
Very Good (A)
Introduction grabs the reader and expresses ideas that lead into the thesis.
3 pts
Good (B-C)
Introduction expresses ideas that lead into the thesis, but it lacks development.
2 pts
Needs Improvement
Introduction is missing or lacks adequate development.
0 pts
No Evidence
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
5 pts
Very Good (A)
Conclusion restates thesis idea and sums up body of essay, leaving the reader with a reflective thought.
3 pts
Good (B-C)
Conclusion restates the thesis and sums up the body of the essay.
2 pts
Needs Improvement
Conclusion is missing or lacks adequate development to bring the essay to a close.
0 pts
No Evidence
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Mechanics
10 pts
Very Good (A)
Writing has no major errors in sentence structure, spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation and indentation.
7 pts
Good (B-C)
Writing has 1-3 major errors that interfere with clarity and fluency of ideas.
4 pts
Needs Improvement
Writing has more than 3 major errors and/or is difficult to read.
0 pts
No Evidence
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA Formatting (MLA Heading, Title, and Paging)
5 pts
Very Good (A)
Paper is properly formatted according to MLA requirements.
3 pts
Good (B-C)
Missing one MLA formatting requirement.
2 pts
Needs Improvement
More than one MLA requirement is not done correctly.
0 pts
No Evidence
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn-text Citations
10 pts
Very Good (A)
Source ideas are properly cited within the text of the essay according to MLA rules.
7 pts
Good (B-C)
Source ideas are evident, but have errors in MLA rules.
4 pts
Needs Improvement
Source ideas are not cited.
0 pts
No Evidence
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWorks Cited
10 pts
Very Good (A)
Sources are properly listed in a Works Cited, following MLA formatting rules.
7 pts
Good (B-C)
Sources are listed, but some errors in formatting evident.
4 pts
Needs Improvement
Sources improperly listed or Works Cited is missing.
0 pts
No Evidence
10 pts
Total Points: 100

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