Final Paper—. Your 20 page double spaced, APA style paper must be saved as a Word
document and have at least 10 citations. The file name must be last name, first name-Course
name/Section) . For example, an acceptable file name is “Doe,John-Evidence202-Section01.doc” The
paper’s topic can only be based on an issue covered in the course. You do not need prior approval
from me. But, the topic must come from one of the respective chapters we cover this term.
For example:
1) How does the Fourth Amendment affect NYC stop and frisk practices etc.?
2) What are the implications of the exclusionary rule on modern policing?
3) What are the implications of race, gender and/or class on the criminal justice system?.
4) Is the Patriot Act a properly balanced crime deterrent?
5) Discuss the effect of the monetization of the criminal justice system on race?
6) Is jury nullification a sound practice for citizenry? The book used in the course is Criminal Evidence:Jefferson Ingram 14th Edition. Anderson Publishing.