Familiarizing yourself with your agency’s mission is crucial to understanding th

May 10, 2024

Familiarizing yourself with your agency’s mission is crucial to understanding the purpose of its existence. What is your agency’s mission? Further, programs within agencies often have specific objectives. What is the purpose of your specific program? How do you see this aligning (or not aligning) with the principles of anti-oppressive practice?  Please give a specific example. Are there actions that your agency is taking to actively engage in ADEI (anti-racism, diversity, equity & inclusion)? Respond to 1-2 other peers’ responses
Part two
Please Read “Why self-care is vital for social service professionals”. https://socialwork.simmons.edu/blog/self-care-for-social-service-professionals/ and watch this video clip “Radical self care” by Alicia Garza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ7FGkfPwyE&t=1s
1. What does radical self care look like? While Alicia Garza, in the clip, is speaking to activist and movement work…think about the context of social work and the work we do for social justice. 
2.What is your goal for the semester as it relates to radical self care? What is something you are going to commit to doing weekly, biweekly and monthly? Respond to 1-2 other peers’ responses

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