Explain what Alfred Adler means by a unified personality and the role inferiority Discuss how employing a safeguarding technique is it related to a person’s style of life.

September 29, 2022

assignment is comprised of two sections: Test Your Knowledge & Let’s Discuss.  For both sections, respond to all parts of the assigned question numbering answers to match to the corresponding question. Each answer must be at least one paragraph in length demonstrating understanding and application of the required class readings. For the question under Let’s Discuss, in addition to completing all parts of the assigned question (minimum of one paragraph in length)

Test Your Knowledge

1.) Explain what Alfred Adler means by a unified personality and the role inferiority Discuss how employing a safeguarding technique is it related to a person’s style of life. Create an example of a safeguarding technique a child or teen could employ in the classroom. Which safeguarding technique do you suppose may have more challenging consequences?
2.) How is Carl Jung’s collective unconscious a part of personality according to his view? How could a child’s social context positively or negatively affect their personal and collective unconscious as well their archetypes? Create a real-life example including at least one archetype.
3.) How can knowledge of Jung’s personality theory of introversion/extroversion and Adler’s beliefs on birth order and personality inform educators’ instructional practices and their classroom space? Do you feel it could also serve to increase their understanding of student behaviors and improve teacher-student relations in the classroom? Please explain.

Let’s Discuss

1.) For the two assigned articles that you chose to read (see modules for links to all the articles), clearly share at least two aspects of each article’s findings pertaining to the personality theory the article related to for this week (Jung or Adler). In addition, what did you learn regarding personality theory and the classroom as a result of reading the article? What did you find to be of most interest in reading these articles? Were you surprised by any of the findings? How so?

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