Explain how integrating the four lenses helps understand how problems in globalization impact both professional and personal context.

April 16, 2022

I have attached the paper and the guidelines. the other sections are complete except for the conclusion which is as follows:
III. Conclusion
A. Explain how integrating the four lenses helps understand how problems in globalization impact both professional and personal context. [IDS-401-
B. Analyze how social practices have been shaped by issues and events in globalization in modern culture. [IDS-401-02]
C. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess the benefits and challenges of addressing issues in globalization. [IDS-401-06]
D. Explain how analyzing globalization can help interactions with those of a different viewpoint, culture, and perspective. [IDS-401-04]
If it helps I am a political science major for section A of this.
thank you.

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