Explain and evaluate Brian Orend’s argument in ch.3 of his book The Morality of War that just causes for war should include some cases of preemptive or anticipatory war, some cases of civil war, and responses to terrorism.

June 9, 2022

Explain and evaluate Brian Orend’s argument in ch.3 of his book The Morality of War that just causes for war should include some cases of preemptive or anticipatory war, some cases of civil war, and responses to terrorism. It may help to compare causes to the ones treated in chs. 1-2 of Johnson’s book (but this is not crucial). This topic is a higher-level overview of nonstandard causes for war (each of these topics can be assessed in more detail, as can humanitarian intervention). But I suggest looking at one or two of the examples that Orend assesses, or one of his and one of your own, when critically assessing the claim that these causes or war goals can be just in some cases.

— A variant of this topic could be to assess whether these just causes as Orend describes them
have some historical precedents in any two of the older historical texts we reviewed.

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