Executive Summary Report. The final executive summary report is due during Final

May 10, 2024

Executive Summary Report. The final executive summary report is due during Finals Week as noted in the schedule below. This report should consist of a strategic analysis of the firm using course concepts and terminology. This should build upon the progress reports and address (but not necessarily be limited to) the following points:
a. Using appropriate quantitative and qualitative metrics, highlight one serious problem that the company is either facing currently or could face in the near future (this is possible even for relatively successful firms). The problem identification must include appropriate analysis utilizing course tools, frameworks, and terminology (such as those from the progress reports, incorporating any professor feedback; for example, the problem might be related to some industry forces becoming stronger, the company’s core competencies becoming weaker, or inappropriate implementation of diversification initiatives, among others).
b. The team should then provide one recommendation that the company could pursue to address this problem, along with at least two related actions towards its implementation. The logic for the problem identification and suggestions must be explained using theoretical concepts and tools from this course by extracting data and information from the analyses and research. Potential risks should be recognized with some thought on how these can be avoided. 
The entire Executive Summary Report should NOT exceed 5 pages of typed material (Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins), excluding title page, table(s) of content(s), citations/references, headings, exhibits, or appendices. Note that appropriate citations/references are required. The report should incorporate any feedback on the progress reports and/or received during the team oral presentation, which is also based on similar analysis of the same company and will happen during the last few classes of the term. 
Note: please do not use SWOT Analysis instead use Proter Five Forces. Also use veribege from the text book. no use of GEN Ai, CHATGPT, Grammarly, etc.  Cite everything as possible. 

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