Exam Content Without consulting with design professionals first, two physicians

July 3, 2024

Exam Content
Without consulting with design professionals first, two physicians purchased a 12,000-square-foot industrial warehouse in your service area. This industrial warehouse will be converted into an ambulatory surgical center. The physicians know of your interest in designing and building an ambulatory surgical center, so they are asking you to help them. 
Assessment Deliverable
Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis to help the physicians understand the due diligence involved in the situation. Help them get the situation under control. In your analysis:
Describe the pros and cons of converting an industrial warehouse.
Describe a normally accepted facility planning process.
Research a published process appropriate for planning a facility.
Present a step-by-step summary of the process.
Explain when you would need to incorporate the expertise of stakeholders.
Identify stakeholders the physicians should have involved before the purchase. Explain your answer.
Identify stakeholders the physicians should have planned to involve after the purchase. Explain your answer.
Devise and present a plan for remediating the planning process.
Cite at least 4 scholarly sources to support your analysis.

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