Essays should be a minimum of 2 pages double-spaced, adhere to a citation style 

April 9, 2024

Essays should be a minimum of 2 pages double-spaced, adhere to a citation style (APA, MLA, McGill, etc.), and have a minimum of 3 scholarly sources.
You can answer/address/creatively respond to ONE of the following questions OR design your own topic: 
1) “…the disagreement that lies at the heart of politics also extends to the nature of the subject and how it should be studied. People disagree about both what it is that makes social interaction ‘political’, and how political activity can best be analysed and explained. However, politics in this broad sense is better thought of as a search for conflict resolution than as its achievement, as not all conflicts are, or can be, resolved.” (Andrew Heywood, Politics)
Write a scholarly essay about any contemporary political conflict.
2) “Bill C-16, An Act to Amend the Canadian Human Rights Code and the Criminal Code, was a government bill intended to provide equal protection of the law to trans and gender non-binary individuals. It protects people from discrimination within the sphere of federal jurisdiction and protects against hate propaganda and hate crimes on the basis of gender identity or expression.” (Bill C-16, Wikipedia)
Please discuss Transgender politics, Transgender rights, and/or the rights of non-binary people, and/or gender non-conforming people in a scholarly essay.  Choose one case, debate, legal precedent, or issue to discuss in detail.
3) “The law participates in gendered disposability through the creation of legal grey zones where sexualized violence is permitted. In focusing on the role of sexualized violence in disposability, I suggest that flesh is the site at which racial and sexual power are both inscribed. It is imperative, then, to consider what is written on the flesh in the context of both terror and horror and to understand its central role in disposability.”—Sherene Razack
Please discuss Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada, in a scholarly essay with your own original thesis.

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