ENGL 2210 Assignment Three This final assignment comprises two components: a pro

April 21, 2024

ENGL 2210 Assignment Three
This final assignment comprises two components: a proposal, and an instructional document.
The primary goal of this assignment is to assess your understanding of the concepts covered
during the semester.
Proposal Component:
For the proposal part, you will assume the role of a high school teacher addressing the principal
of your school. Your objective is to persuade the head of the school to address two significant
problems within the school:
Many students lack the knowledge of how to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation).
Many students are unfamiliar with how to use a fire extinguisher.
Your task is to craft a persuasive narrative that outlines the background of these issues and your
solutions. You must present a well-reasoned argument as to how you came to identify these
problems and why they need attention. Additionally, you will propose solutions which you must
convince the principal to accept and implement. The solution will involve creating sample
instructional materials alongside corresponding visuals of the instructional components.
Instructions Component:
The instructional document will provide step-by-step guidance on how to:
Perform CPR.
Operate a fire extinguisher.
These instructions should be accompanied by convincing illustrations to enhance student
Overall, your proposal should be structured in the form of a letter, which means that your
proposal is both informal and unsolicited. However, it should contain features of a proposal
which is required and appropriate to be in a letter format. This means that the solutions which are
the two instructions you will be creating should be presented as an attachment to the letter and
not within the body of the letter; it should therefore be properly situated in the letter.
Expectations for Your Proposal:
1. Introduction: Present the background information for your problem, the problem, and your
proposed solution
2. Body:
A. Present the current situation, the causes of the problem, and its effects, all supported by
B. Provide a detailed plan for your solution
C. Highlight your qualifications to validate your proposal
D. Conduct a cost and benefit analysis
3. Conclusion: Emphasize the importance of adopting your proposal
Expectations for Your Design for the Instructions:
1. Ensure an attractive and functional design, especially considering the use of images or
graphics. Keep your audience in mind
2. Strike a balance between a clear, plain style and persuasive language
Additional Information:
Your proposal should span between 3-5 pages, and it should be single-spaced.
Your instructions, separately, should range from 1-10 pages, and should also be single-spaced.
Your font should be Times New Roman. You must use a 12-point font size in your proposal, but
with the instructional materials, you are at liberty to use any font size you wish, as long as it is
helpful in achieving your desired effect. With that being said, please ensure that said desired
effect makes sense visually, rhetorically, and within the realm of technical communication, i.e.
use common sense.

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