Educators are professionals who strive to stay current on topics about their fie

May 5, 2024

Educators are professionals who strive to stay current on topics about their field. Educators can locate credible information, use the information to inform their practice, and connect the right resource to families, children, and co-workers.
For this assignment, analyze two resources on emotional intelligence.
Using the linked resource analysis template , locate and analyze resources that you might use to inform your professional practice. Here is an academic schoolaricle i picked for you to write. You will have to find aother on  on your own. Please hightlight http
Emotional Intelligence and Values: A Comparative Study among Children with and without Engagement in Expressive Arts.
Academic Journal
By: Da Costa, Cliszma Aniuska; Keni, Tanya. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing. Mar2024, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p19-23. 5p. , Database: Academic Search Complete
Subjects: EMOTIONAL intelligence; CONVENIENCE sampling (Statistics); ART techniques; HUMAN growth; ART

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