Each Thought Paper is to be double-spaced, 1-inch margins on top and bottom, 1.2

April 16, 2024

Each Thought Paper is to be double-spaced, 1-inch margins on top and bottom, 1.25 inches on the sides, and a normal 12 point font.
Each of the five topic answers needs to be in separate paragraphs.
The paper must meet the minimum of 1-1/2 to a maximum of 2 pages (400-500 words) requirement. You can go a bit over.
The paper must be free of grammar and spelling errors.
Failure to follow the requirements will result in a minimum of a one letter grade drop PER REQUIREMENT to the overall paper grade!
Assignment Instructions
In this Thought Paper, you are to explain IN YOUR OWN WORDS how YOU can participate and make a contribution to the Political Process or the Election Process. The paper needs to be in the “First Person” format. You must list and describe Specific and Distinct Examples of what YOU could do to participate and make a contribution to the Political Process OR the Election Process. You need to be specific. Do not merely repeat or paraphrase what the book states. List the SPECIFIC actions you would take to accomplish the task.
Answer EITHER Q 1 OR Q 2:
Q1. Give a specific example of what YOU COULD DO using each of the five Interest Group Techniques to participate and make a contribution to the Political Process. Each Interest Group Technique should be a separate paragraph. The book lists the three direct and two indirect techniques for a total of five (5) techniques (See Chapter 7). [Q1 is on interest group TECHNIQUES; not the types of interest groups.]
Q2. Give five Specific and Distinct examples of what YOU COULD DO to participate and make a contribution to the Election Process. The textbook lists many ways one could be involved in the process [See Chapter 8 Campaigns and Elections]. Each example should be Specific and Distinct and each should be in a separate paragraph.
For Either Q1 OR Q2:
You need to cover all parts of the paper; with examples for each sub-category or section.
Describe Five (5) Specific and Distinct examples of what You could do to participate in or make a contribution to the Political Process OR the Election Process.
This is not a research paper, so you should NOT be using or citing any outside sources apart from the textbook. You could use APSA, Chicago, or MLA citation format if you quote from the textbook.
The Thought Paper is to between one and one half (1½) to two (2) pages long (400-500 words)
See THOUGHT PAPERS – General Requirements for formatting details.
Save your work as a .DOCX word file and submit your file as an attachment.

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