Each Student will attend a school board meeting, school board parent workshop, I

June 30, 2024

Each Student will attend a school board meeting, school board parent workshop, IEP, support team meeting, or interview a parent that has children in the local public schools. Include the following in a brief paper:

Identify the location and participants in the meeting: demographics, positions, status, number of parents, etc._____(20 pts)
Specify Issues addressed and discussed, was it a good time for parents schedule?_____(20 pts)
Report how issues were resolved or unresolved_____(20 pts)
Describe the group process. Was it effective or ineffective? Was there daycare/ food? Were parents receptive?______(20 pts)
Select an Issue discussed at the meeting and prepare a statement describing and addressing the issue. This is a statement you would make to the school board emphasizing your concerns and how the issue may be resolved. What could be changed to improve the parent meeting experience?_____(20 pts)

I have provided an outline for the paper already.
Also, I have attached the teacher’s example of how the paper should be laid put and what body paragraphs/headings need to be used.
Lastly, i already found and included the source used for the outline. You do not need to reference it just include it on a reference page in APA.
Thank you!

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