During this course, you will be required to write a 5-7 page paper.  The 5-7 pag

April 15, 2024

During this course, you will be required to write a 5-7 page paper.  The 5-7 pages does NOT include your title page or reference page, only the actual content. Your paper must follow the  APA 7th Edition format and guidelines and you must use a minimum of three (3) outside sources.  Outside sources are reliable, scholarly sources, other than your textbook.  You may use your textbook as a source; however, it will not count as one of the three required.  A copy of the Grading Rubric is included within the Course Project Folder for your reference.  For more information on how to structure your paper according to the APA format, please visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
You may choose one of the following topics:
1) Research the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council (GaPOST) https://www.gapost.org/   Review the “About P.O.S.T.” section and explain in detail the agency’s rights, roles, and responsibilities regarding law enforcement officers and agencies in Georgia. What are the different types of certifications and what type of training is mandated by POST?  Also what is the Governor’s mandated training and what statutes are POST, police agencies, and officers governed by?
2) Police agencies are using social media to aid in building relationships within their communities, but they are also using it to track criminal activity.  Visit the following resources, then explain in detail the pros and cons of the use of social media in policing
3)  Learn more about hate crimes by logging onto https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/more-fbi-services-and-information/ucr Find the latest report on hate crime statistics. How many police agencies in your state reported hate incidents? What was the total number of incidents? Find your city or a city near you. Were there any hate crime incidents reported? See if your college or university reports hate crimes.
4)  Police use of force continues to be one of the greatest issues in American policing. Find out more about use of force by visiting www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/. Go to “Publications” and find the article “Use of Force by Police: Overview of National and Local Data.” How many arrests involved use of force? What was the most severe type of force used in all incidents involving force? What weaponless tactic was used most frequently? Explain.
5)  Go to http://www.policefuturists.org/futures/fwg.htm and research the future of policing.  What is in store for police in the future?  Explain.

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