Drafts can use chapter 20 as a template for page length, formatting, and spacing

May 2, 2024

Drafts can use chapter 20 as a template for page length, formatting, and spacing. TNR font size 12. Use the guidelines from your textbook and consider the following:
Title page
Informative title of report
Prepared for (the client)
Prepared by (you/your organization)
Image of company logo
Letter of Transmittal
Use proper letter writing format (revisit Chapter 6 for letter writing correspondence formatting)
Explain what the report is about and mention it has been completed on or before the date promised
Briefly yet specifically explain the recommendations
Thank those involved with writing and requesting this report
Table of contents
Please make sure all sections and subsections are accounted for: letter of transmittal, List of figures and tables, executive summary, introduction, mode of analysis/methodology, analysis of data (subheadings: analysis websites, analysis of websites’ criteria), conclusions, recommendations, Appendix (this will be your updated APA citation page)
List of figures and tables
Have a minimum of four (4) total – two (2) figures and two (2) tables
Each one should be labeled (e.g. Figure 1 or Table 1) and should also include a title
Title should be present underneath the figure or table
Executive summary
Be sure to summarize information from the introduction, mode of analysis/methodology, analysis of data, and conclusions/recommendations
This will be about one-tenth the size of the overall report
Recap introduction/description of background information
Concretely and specifically explain explain conclusions based on the research
This technically includes the recommendations. You’ll go into greater detail here.
Provide a conclusion at a glance by including a bulleted list of recommendations

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