Draft abstract to gain a general idea on desired topic:

July 18, 2022

Draft abstract to gain a general idea on desired topic:
As digital media continues to evolve, we are witnessing some of the most concerning trends that inhibit peace and fuel violent and non-violent conflicts. Social media is increasingly playing a part in the kinetics of politics and contemporary conflicts, as well as public perception. This research will look at this critical intersection between technology and conflict studies. The objective of this research is to examine the impact of social media on conflicts through a cross-sectional analysis of two conflicts that received extensive media attention (Possibly Syrian civil war with another case study). The framework of this research addresses the literature gap in the impact of social media on conflict from both a physical and narrative perspective. Movements such as The Arab Spring, Women’s March, and BLM have all been produced through social media and some of which have been violent and lethal. The analysis of this study will help understand how new technologies of communication shape conflicts and can potentially benefit joint efforts in conflict prevention and and peace-building

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