Download the data TrafficStop_Forsyth.xlsx Download TrafficStop_Forsyth.xlsx. Th

April 23, 2024

Download the data TrafficStop_Forsyth.xlsx Download TrafficStop_Forsyth.xlsx. This data is police traffic stop records from the Forsyth county. Your first objective is to choose a random sample of 10,000 observations from this data and submit the excel file. Please watch the following video and find out how to do so.
Read the paper Reg_Paper 1.pdf
. Pay attention to table 3. In this project you need to do a similar regression analysis using binomial logistic regression. Decide 4 different models of binary logistic regression to be able to address the following objectives.
Estimate the probability of receiving a written warning over verbal warning (example provided).
Estimate the probability of getting arrested over other outcomes.
Estimate the probability of frisk search over no frisk search.
Estimate the probability of vehicle search over no vehicle search.
While each of the objective points out to a different binary variable to be the dependent variable (Y), choose your independent variables among age, gender, reason for frisk, reason for search, reason for stop. Please remember you need dummy variables to address characteristic variables. Create dummy variables to address the impact of all different races.
Write your 4 binary logistic regression models as you have learned in lecture. Create a word document and submit the document.
Correct the regression models based on comments for Step 2. Resubmit the corrected models on a word document.
Format the data to be able to run the regression model 2 3 or 4. Please note, you do not need to do this for other model. Only one is sufficient. That is, create those binary and dummy variables. Submit the formatted data in excel.
Run the binomial logic regression model. On a word document explain your result and findings. Make sure you have explained your findings with enough detail. That is, given the regression result what is your take on whether drivers are treated differently based on their race. Refer to which variables are significant and which are not. 

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