DOWN BELOW IS THE PROMPT FROM CLASS I will put some documents on here but basica

May 24, 2024

I will put some documents on here but basically youre summarizing this video from this link from 4/09/24 make sure what opens is Town Council Meeting – 04/09/2024
Please let me know if you have any issues this assignment is very critical. 
A.  Format: 4-5 pgs. typed (double-spaced, 12 pt, at 21 lines per page, 1” margins)
Substantive pages are written pages, and do not include any title or reference pages (which are not needed anyways). In addition, a complete page means that the entire page has been used.
If you fail to complete the minimum required substantive & complete pages you will be penalized. Students will lose 20% for every substantive page that student fails to complete after the essay has been graded according to the rubric provided in Canvas.
B.  Mechanics and Substance: please proofread and correct errors; and remember: a good review should provide a short, succinct summary, as well as an effective and creative critical analysis. Be orderly, complete, and clear in your presentation.  Be sure to give examples and elaborate in order to reinforce your essential points.  Be sure to number your pages and include your name on your review document.
The review should be written in essay format.  Make sure to incorporate the focus questions in your paragraphs.  Do not write the responses in Q&A format.
Community Event Review: 4-5 Page Write-Up Expectations
A. General Comments:
City council and school board meetings or proceedings are a good opportunity for students to learn “first hand” and evaluate the operations of government at the most basic level: the community. This project encourages students to gain some insight into the development, implementation, and arbitration of public policy. And hopefully, whatever the experience, good or bad, the student’s appetite for local interests and issues has been increased.
Remember, you need to make certain that it is a REGULAR MEETING of an elected city council or school board. 
Students are NOT ALLOWED to: 
Review a special session, planning commissions, or some other non-approved meeting
Review a session more than three months old.  Students must review a session within three months of the due date.
B.  Focus Questions and Structure for the Review:
1.  Begin your Review with a brief introduction that provides a simple summary/overview to your Review and includes a passage to kindle interest in the reader to read your work. Make sure to include the link to the official agenda for meeting you are reviewing of the school district board or city council. You should also be able to find that official agenda on the website for the school district or city council. (This section should not be longer than ½ page.)
2.  List the officials present at the meeting (city council or school board members, city manager or superintendent/president). Give the date of the meeting.
3.  Describe the major issues or business addressed at the meeting. (This section should be about 2 pages and should include comments made by officials and/or participants.)
4.  Which government official (identify no more than two) was the most impressive during your visit? Why? Who was the least impressive government official? Why?
5.  Has your impression of government changed because of your visit? How? Is the local neighborhood being served and represented well? Working under the assumption that the revenue to the city or school district is a limited amount and these governments should prioritize their spending, were budget decisions made or discussed with an approach of wise and prudent spending?
6.  Does your experience with local politics have any relation to your perception of national politics? Do local politics seem to be any more accessible/personable, equitable, and efficient/effective than national politics? (give specific comparisons/contrasts between local and national politics)  Finally, what did you find most interesting or surprising?
7.  No conclusion is necessary.
Note:  Please carefully review the Course Syllabus regarding information on Plagiarism.

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