Double-check your essay before submission. Use Tallahassee community college li

July 2, 2024

Double-check your essay before submission.
Use Tallahassee community college library as sources
Do you ask a neutral open-ended policy question in the introduction?
Do you present the two sides of the debate in a neutral, unbiased manner?
Do you offer a clear statement of a middle ground position and the benefits of adopting it after presenting the two sides of the debate?
Do you stay consistently in third-person grammatical point of view?
Do you discuss the required sources? Have you met the library research requirement?
Is the essay formatting in MLA style and are the sources cited within the text and on the corresponding Works Cited list?
Did you proofread your essay for sentence structure, spelling and punctuation?
Is your essay between 1,000 and 1,500 words in length?
Great! Submit it. Be sure to click on submission details to ensure it uploaded correctly. Thank you!

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