Do you feel the version of the incident as portrayed by John Smith is what actually occurred?

April 29, 2022

You are Detective Dogood and are assigned to Attempt Murder Case #19-12345. You are now
leaving the hospital and continuing with the investigation. Based upon all the information you
have received in Parts I, II, and III of the presentation on Attempt Murder Investigation Case
#19-12345, you are to provide a (1) page summary answering the following questions:
• Do you feel the version of the incident as portrayed by John Smith is what actually
occurred? If so, why? If not, why? You must support your viewpoint with evidence
and/or information known from the investigation.
• Do you feel the incident involving John Smith being shot and the deceased shooting
victim at the hospital are related? If so, how? If not, why? You must support your
viewpoint with evidence and/or information known from the investigation.
• Based upon the totality of the circumstances of all that is known regarding Attempt
Murder Investigation #19-12345, outline your theory of what you feel happened. You
must support your viewpoint with evidence and/or information known from the

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