do as the sheet instructs and please get it done asap. I will tip 50 dollars if

July 5, 2024

do as the sheet instructs and please get it done asap. I will tip 50 dollars if its done within the first hour.
dont plagarize or use AI
instructions:You are inside Question #1 where you will find Part 2 of your exam, the Midterm Exam #2 “Problems”.
Next, you click on the hot link shown in Question #1 to open and download your Midterm Exam #2 spreadsheet. You have 240 minutes to complete the Midterm Exam #2 and upload your completed exam to this Canvas shell.
Click on the “ACTG-121 Midterm #2” spreadsheet file to open and download the exam.
You must complete the following step. You must click on the words in the header “Enable Editing” in the white box, clicking on the words “Enable Editing” in the white box will allow you to enter your answers and make all necessary changes in the exam. If you log out of the exam. You will need to repeat this step to enter your answers and make all necessary changes in the exam. 
(more instructions attached)
trust me this is not long and can be done quickly (please adjust price if necessary)

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