Discussion Topic: DISCUSSION 13: Current Events in Health PolicyDISCUSSION 13: C

July 7, 2024

Discussion Topic: DISCUSSION 13: Current Events in Health PolicyDISCUSSION 13: Current Events in Health Policy
This week, you should have your approved pre-selected “Current Event” healthcare policy issue. In the last couple of years we’ve experienced shifts in the make up of the U.S. Supreme Court, a global pandemic, Roe v. Wade being over-turned – just to name a few. 
You will be assigned a topic based on your selections you submitted. I have made comments in the topic selection assignment indicating your assigned topic. If you have issues accessing or finding comment, please let me know. 
Research: You will either find two articles that support the issue or oppose the issue of your assigned topic. For example, if the topic/issue is whether or not we should support vaping, you will find two articles that support the reasons why we should support vaping, or you will find two articles to support the reasons why we should oppose vaping. Please make sure the articles are from credible and reputable sources (see below for some resources to find your articles).
Discussion Board Posting: You will post to the discussion board a summary of the major points of the two articles that you found based on supporting the issue/topic or opposing the issue/topic. Initial post is due Monday June 17th at 11:59pm   Do not forget to attach a copy of the two articles you found as a PDF or provide a working link to the articles you are using for this assignment so the articles can be retrieved/viewed.
Question Development: You will also create four questions that encourage critical thinking about the issue that will be posed to another classmate that has chosen a different topic. Post these four questions to your discussion board.  For example, if you were assigned to oppose vaping, then you would find two articles that support your position and create four questions for a classmate to answer after they have read your summary of the two articles. You could ask a question such as “What are the potential health risks associated with vaping in comparison to traditional smoking?” in which the answer could be found within the articles you found. If you were assigned to support vaping, you could ask a question such as “How does vaping serve as a harm reduction strategy compared to traditional smoking?” 
Citation: When answering the four questions created by classmates, you should cite information from the articles to explain your reasoning. Be sure to include credible and reputable sources to support your topic and discussion.
Other Discussion Board Postings: Read two other discussions and write what you learned about the issue/topic after reading both sides of the issue/topic.  After reading both sides of the issue/topic, answer the question: Do you support or oppose the issue? Also, explain why you either support or oppose the issue? Please do this in no less than 100 words.

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