Discussion Prompt Discussion Question:   Find something in the news this week th

April 29, 2024

Discussion Prompt
Discussion Question:   Find something in the news this week that addresses an issue that you can relate in some way to —
Criminal Justice Policy
Local Government
Public Finance
Public Policy
Think about these questions — 
What makes what we are studying relevant to your life, your community, your country and your world?
Please cite sources appropriately, and use your OWN words.  I am interested in YOUR thoughts — not something generated and/or someone else’s ideas. (If you are not sure, please review the academic honesty materials and syllabus.)
Suggested Media Sources
Texas Tribune
Austin Statesman
Dallas News
Houston Chronicle
San Antonio News-Express
I strongly suggest The Texas Tribune, as you will not ever encounter a pay wall. (Plus, The Texas Tribune.is considered one of the most comprehensive and least biased sources of Texas news.)  One suggestion for finding articles is to use the search function at the website to type in a topic or policy that interests you.  Then, sort the results by date. (You can sort by relevance or date using the drop down menu.)  At least one of your articles must be from the last one to two weeks.  Then, you can return to the search results for another article.  Alternatively, The Texas Tribune includes links to related articles at the end of almost all its news stories.   Be sure to link the current event to topics from the assigned chapters. These suggestions should get you started! 🙂 
Initial Post Requirements
For this assignment, you initial post should include a photo, a link & discussion of a current event, and a 500-750 word essay.  (If you choose to record a presentation for this discussion board, it should be at least three (3) minutes and no more than five (5) minutes. It should include a visual element — not just a “talking head” video.  Include citations and a link to the article with the post.)
STEP 1:  For the initial post on the discussion board.  
1.  In thinking about what we have covered thus far this semester  in what ways do you believe Texas political culture, Constitution and/or relationship to the federal government are relevant today?  
Be sure to include vocabulary words, key ideas, themes, and/or concepts from the textbook reading and/or class discussions.  (To make sure you clearly do this — place vocabulary words, etc. in bold or highlighted  font.)
2. Take a photograph or use a photograph (or you can create a collage) that illustrates a link to the course topics.  If you use a photo from the internet, be sure to properly cite it. (How to Cite ImagesLinks to an external site.) 
Do not provide a link.  Please embed your image.  (If you are not sure how to embed an image, please scroll down to the video for instructions.) 
3. Find a current event that links to your discussion.  
Be sure to use RELIABLE news sources.  If the news source is reliable, but biased, be sure to address any possible issues of bias.  (Is the article fact-based or opinion based?  You may use either, just be aware of which type of article you are using.  Need to check reliability of your news source?  Use links such as:  AllSides  Media Bias Chart   or Ad Fontes Media Bias Chart
4. The goal of this assignment is to link real world content (photo and current event) to the course content.  The 500 – 750 word essay explains your thinking on the concept and how the current event and photo help explain the ideas from the textbook.  How does the picture relate to the concepts we have discussed thus far?  How is the current event related to the concepts we have have discussed thus far? 
5. Include citations.  
This is a chance for you to be creative and look for ways in which classroom learning is linked to the world all around you.  You will be graded on your explanation and ability to connect the image and current event to the class concepts.  

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