discuss why you think Dante’s work became and remained a classic piece of literature that is still covered in high school curriculum today.

September 29, 2022

Step 1: After learning about the Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy (see the 4 videos in Unit 3 To Do List), discuss why you think Dante’s work became and remained a classic piece of literature that is still covered in high school curriculum today. Use specific examples and details from the videos in your answer. Response should be one to two paragraphs.

Step 2: Read Dante: “The Ninth Circle of Hell” [PDF] and answer the following questions. What features in Dante’s descriiption of Satan provoke a sense of awe? For what offenses are the sinners in the ninth circle punished? (This should take you about a paragraph to answer)

Step 3: Lets get creative! – Dante’s Divine Comedy is a commentary on society and culture of fourteenth century Italy. Each layer of hell revels something about social issues of the day. Write about your own layers of hell (or sphere’s of heaven) that reflect issues from the twenty-first century. You can write in paragraph form or poem / lyric form. You should include at least 3 layers of hell and/or 3 sphere’s of heaven.

Format: 12 point Times New Roman Font, double-spaced, one inch margins

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