. Discuss the environmental factors necessary for the development of mangrove ec

April 28, 2024

. Discuss the environmental factors necessary for the development of mangrove ecosystems, emphasizing which environmental factors have allowed mangroves to outcompete their terrestrial counterparts. Highlight how mangroves are adapted to cope with these environmental factors,
First explain the physical factors that are necessary for the development and establishment of a mangrove. Then focus more specifically on those factors (tidal influx, salinity, anoxia) that have limited the colonisation of terrestrial species into the mangrove environment. Following on from this, explain, using specific features (coping with salt, gaseous exchange, etc.) how mangrove genera/species are better adapted than their terrestrial counterparts for surviving under mangrove conditions. This answer does
NOT require a comparison between different mangrove genera/species because the focus is on the adaptation of the tree/shrub community as a whole
I need a university undergraduate essay with 900-1100 words with relevant and accurate intext references
And proper references 

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