Discuss the demographics of the NYPD police department (Although you do not have

May 20, 2024

Discuss the demographics of the NYPD police department (Although you do not have to use where you live because the data may not be available, you are required to use a real police department/area, not a hypothetical area. Choose a city or county that can be researched and show your sources). 
Discuss the characteristics of the population in which the department serves. 
Identify and discuss a specific problem that is faced by the community (e.g., high rate of property crime, high rate of gang violence)  
Discuss the key features of two prominent leadership styles discussed in the lecture and readings.  
Of those two styles, recommend which style should be instituted within the department.  
Include a justification (backed by scholarly works) regarding why this is the preferred leadership style. 
Provide a discussion on how the leadership style implemented can effectively address the problem that you have identified.  

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