Discuss and explain your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) that make you qualified for the position based on EACH of the requirements below

November 20, 2022

You are a current employee at the United States Postal Service working as a Mail Handler and now applying for a position in management as a NETWORK SPECIALIST. Discuss and explain your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) that make you qualified for the position based on EACH of the requirements below? Give examples too

1. Ability to analyze information regarding mail dispatch, distribution, routing, and vehicle service in order to recommend or make corrective changes and adjustments.
2. Ability to coordinate schedules for the receipt, transfer, and dispatch of mail.
3. Ability to maintain an equipment inventory to meet postal and customer needs.
4. Knowledge of mail distribution and routing operations including policies, procedures and regulations.
5. Ability to monitor supplier compliance with contract terms and prescribed safety standards.
6. Ability to communicate orally in order to consult with customers and suppliers concerning operational activities and to coordinate work activities with the Distribution Networks Office.
7. Ability to monitor mail records and payment forms and make recommendations to reconcile inconsistencies with current regulations.
8. Ability to gather and analyze performance data in order to identify problems and recommend changes for improvement.

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