Directions The case analysis should not be an overly long paper.   The ability t

April 24, 2024

The case analysis should not be an overly long paper.   The ability to concisely express your opinion and concepts is important in the workworld and graduate school.
Your analysis should be 1200-1600 words following APA format including coverage, headings, pagination, intext citations, and reference page) The coverpage, reference page, and intext citations do NOT count towards the required word count.
Paper Format
Follow APA Format (no abstract page or literature review)
– Coverpage:  Follow APA format
– Section 1: Overview of Company (200-300 words)- you have already written a draft of this in module#7 (What is Andreessen Horowitz )- please edit  the draft based on my feedback and reduce to 200-300 words 
– Section 2: Overview of the Case Study (200-300 words)
– Section 3: Questions –  Use the questions or summaries of the questions as headings (to-subdivide this sections of your paper) .  DO NOT make me guess which question you are trying to address (500-600 words total)-   The below are the four questions you need to address.
– Section 5: Postscript:  The 2022 funding deal with the new startup Flow.  You will need to do additional research on this deal.  Please discuss the following in 300-400 words 
Why is the deal with Flow ground breaking?  What is Flow (and it is a multifaceted startup- perhaps a little unclear too).   You should also address how this new startup is similar to WeWork- Adam Neumann is a Founder of both WeWork and Flow BUT he was ousted from WeWork due to financial improprieties.   Given the HUGE controversy surrounding Neumann’s ouster at WeWork is it wise for Andreessen Horowitz to make this investment? Be concise BUT very specific.  
Best Practices
Please use 3-4    additional authoritative  references to support your section 5 (Postscript) analysis. Reference material must be found through SFC Library Portal, but other legitimate sources can be used as well, such as company websites or other reputable business publications.
The following comments are best practices suggestions which I hope you find helpful. 
APA Margins and Fonts:  Side/Bottom/Top margins must be 1” and font size 12pt. Times New Roman is recommended but Arial is also acceptable.   Please double check your margin settings.
Length of paper:   A 1200-1600 word paper is an 1200-1600  word paper.  Please do not submit a 1000 word paper or a 3000 word paper. Depending upon use/length of  in-text citations, an APA paper is generally 275 words per page.  Your writing needs to be clear, concise, and strategically edited. Your ideas must be fully developed with detailed supporting materials
Cover page:  All papers should have a cover page and follow the correct format 
Pagination: All papers should include paginationLinks to an external site. and follow the correct format
Headings: You are not responsible for using the correct level of headings but at least one level of heading must be used to identify/clearly divide the sections of the paper.   Your  papers should not be one long run-on narrative.  
Sections of an APA paper that I do not want:  
a- Abstract: Not required and not included in grade tabulation.   However, the correct length of an abstract is 150-250 words
b-A literature review is not required
Citations:   In-text citations are required.  You cannot include statistical information or make specific claims regarding a particular group’s or individual’s behavior without supporting citations.    As stated in the APA guideline “If you are referring to an idea from another work but NOT directly quoting the material, or making reference to an entire book, article or other work, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication and not the page number in your in-text reference. All sources that are cited in the text must appear in the reference list at the end of the paper.”
Colloquial (informal) style of writing:   Colloquial writing style should not be used in a college or professional  paper.  For example, replace  “Due to the fact of”  with  “the facts support” or “supported by” or “regarding” or “pertains to”.    Pronouns should not be used.   For example replace “They” with “The organization” or “The cohort” or “The group”.
Abbreviations and Acronyms should not be used without previous explanation.   As stated in the APA guideline “When abbreviating a term, use the full term the first time you use it, followed immediately by the abbreviation in parentheses.”
Do not assume the reader is familiar with subject matter pertaining to niche topics or cultural references. Concisely provide context or explain the subject matter.
Syntax, Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation:   Please proof read your papers.   Do not rely solely on spell check.   An improperly used but correctly spelled word will not be caught by spell check.  Also, please ensure you are using words within correct context.
Do  use industry appropriate terminology – Do use concepts and theories discussed within the course textbook
Formatting of references.   You do not need to do this manually.   In fact, I would strongly recommend you use the “manage sources” feature within MS-Word (found under the references tab) or use a research tool such as Zotero. 
Here is the Case Study you are going to be writing about:

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