Directions: Read the scenario, and answer the questions below. Use your contract

April 4, 2024

Read the scenario, and answer the questions below. Use your contracts check list to help you analyze the scenarios. If referencing UCC, list the specific section number. Submit electronically, please. 4 questions, 5 points each. 
1) Spicoli wants to start a surfboard company. He offers to buy 20 surfboard blanks for $100 each from ABC surfboard manufacturing company and says the boards must be delivered in 30 days. That gives Spicoli enough time to shape the boards in time for the upcoming winter swell. ABC surfboard company’s representative says “Yeah dude, we can do that.” Is there a valid contract, and if so, why? If not, why not? 
2) Assume the same scenario as #1 above. This time, ABC surfboard company’s rep says, “No way, bro-chacho. We can only sell them for $150 each per blank.” Spicoli says “ok, dude.”  At common law was there a contract? Why or why not? Under the UCC, is there a contract, why or why not? 
3) Gino is a “bagman” for a major crime family. The Don of the family (the boss) tells Gino, I want to buy that parcel of land down by the port so we have a place to stash our goods. There’s just one problem. The guy that owns the parcel (Pete) does not want to sell it. Gino says “Hey Boss, I can take care of that problem for you.” The Don says “Great Gino, thank you. I’ll pay you $1,000 to take care of that problem, and just make sure to get rid of the body.” Gino says, “Ok, boss”. Do Gino and the boss have a valid contract? Why or why not? 
4) Assume Gino finds the guy that owns the desired parcel (Pete the Property Owner) of land down by the port. Gino “encourages” the Pete to change his mind and sell the property to the Don. Gino says, “To show we are not barbarians, we will give you $500 for the parcel, but you can’t tell anyone you sold it to us. We don’t want to pay taxes and we don’t want any paper trail at all.  Is there a valid contract to sell land? Why or why not?

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