Directions for Writing Digital Forum Postings Please CHOOSE 1 of the 2 PROMPTS b

May 5, 2024

Directions for Writing Digital Forum Postings
Please CHOOSE 1 of the 2 PROMPTS below. 
Digital Forum Postings must be no less than 200 words and no more than 400 words + 100 words for Citations/Footnotes
Your Answers to Prompt Questions must contain the following:
1.  1 or more footnotes
2. 1 or more quotes
3. Describe 1 dance. For example, Martha Graham’s Steps in the Street from 1936.
Week 5 Prompts: 
1. What does Ellen Graff argue was the relationship between Communist Party ideology and the Workers’ Dance League? Can you name several dances they danced? 
2. Martha Graham’s choreography of the 1930s is dedicated to activist causes. Where do you see evidence of this in Steps in the Street?

Each Digital Forum Posting must be no less than 200 words and no more than 400 words.
Each Digital Forum Posting must contain 2 quotes from the Reading and 2 citations such as:
1st Example of a Proper Citation:
Susan Au. Ballet and Modern Dance. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2012, 91.
2nd Example of a Proper Citation:
Rebekah Kowal. How To Do Things with Dance: Performing Change in Postwar America. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2015, 215 – 216.
3rd Example of a Proper Citation:
Digital Lecture: Feminism and American Dance. Dr. Bennahum.
6 April 2020.
Grading Rubric Point Scale:
2 points: Clear thesis statement/argument 
2 points: Grammar, subject, noun, verb choice
3 points: Appropriate Citations – including at least 2 quotes from the reading, lecture, and or screenings; and proper citation formatting (each post must contain at least 2 footnotes) 
2 points: Content criteria – post responds to all parts of the research question, and describes and analyzes at least 1 dance in support of argument
1 point: Style 
Points Total =10
Finally, here’s a few important reminders about the Digital Forum Postings:
Don’t forget to cite two different scholars
Make sure you’re using at least two direct quotations (word-for-word quotes from a source).
You can—and most likely will—paraphrase authors’ ideas and research (summarizing their ideas in your own words). Always cite these sources with a footnote. Paraphrased research, however, does not count toward the two direct quotes
Please use Chicago Style: to an external site.

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