Directions for Writing Digital Forum Postings Digital Forum Postings must be no

May 17, 2024

Directions for Writing Digital Forum Postings
Digital Forum Postings must be no less than 200 words and no more than 400 words + 100 words for Citations/Footnotes
Your Answers to Prompt Questions must contain the following:
1.  2 or more footnotes
2. 2 or more quotes
3. Describe 1 dance. For example, describe the dream scene choreographed by Katherine Dunham in the World War II-era film Stormy Weather (1943).
Week 7 Prompts: Please choose 1
Prompt 1: Katherine Dunham, anthropologist, activist, dance artist, and educator choreographed an important work entitled Southland in 1951. Dance historian Constance Valis Hill describes Southland’s political importance. Please explain.
Prompt 2: Who was Pearl Primus and how, according to dance scholar Jessica Friedman, did she change the physical language of modern dance?
And The Most Important Thing is
Each Digital Forum Posting must be no less than 200 words and no more than 400 words.
Each Digital Forum Posting must contain 2 quotes from the Reading and 2 citations such as:
1st Example of a Proper Citation:
Susan Au. Ballet and Modern Dance. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2012, 91.
2nd Example of a Proper Citation:
Rebekah Kowal. How To Do Things with Dance: Performing Change in Postwar America. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2015, 215 – 216.
3rd Example of a Proper Citation:
Digital Lecture: Feminism and American Dance. Dr. Bennahum.
6 April 2020.
I just need foot note, I do not need reference page.
required watching

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