Directions: Each student will choose a chemical element to research. No two stud

May 4, 2024

Directions: Each student will choose a chemical element to research. No two students can choose the same element. Each student will research his or her chosen element and answer the 18 questions below in the form of your own hand written essay. 
Essay Requirements. 
The Essay must be a complete  750 to 850 words long, typed, double spaced, 12 point font and “Times New Roman”. Canvas will be scanning for plagiarism. Turnitin will give you a score for its plagiarized comparison!! I am looking for your essays to be your own work!! Any Essays submitted with a plagiarized percentage higher than 30% will receive a zero for the entire assignment as well as turned into the Dean and the School for academic dishonesty.  You will be required to upload your essay as a word document. The school provides Office 365 free to each student. You will be required to submit your essay as a word Document. NO OTHER FILES WILL BE ACCEPTED. 
If this is your first time writing an essay. Please take a look at the following link to familiarize yourself with essay writing. to an external site.
Due Date: Elements must be chosen by The fourth week of classes and posted as a discussion board thread; Chemistry Element Project. In the discussion, board Posting put your Name and the Element you selected in the Subject line. When you submit your element make sure that no one else has taken that element. I will only give credit to the first submission. Project is Due at the closing of Unit #6th  and must be submitted electronically.
Element Questions:
1) What is the name of your element? 
2) What is the chemical symbol for your element? 
3) What is the atomic number? 
4) What is the atomic mass? 
5) How many electrons does this element have? 
6) How many protons does this element have? 
7) How many neutrons does this element have? 
8) What is the melting point of this element? 
9) What is the boiling point of this element? 
10) Is this element a solid, liquid, or gas at room temperature? 
11) What is the density of this element? 
12) Is this element a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid? 
13) List four properties that your element has. 
14) Give the names and chemical formulas for 5 compounds in which this element exists. 
15) How abundant is this element in the earth’s crust, the ocean, and the atmosphere? You need to find at least one. 
16) How was this element named? Include origin (Latin, Greek, etc.), word(s), and the meaning(s).  Example: The origin of this element comes from the Greek words “oxus” meaning acid and “gennan” meaning generate.
17) Who discovered this element? When? 
18) Name five uses for this element. 

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