Develop a presentation on ethics from the perspective of a nurse manager. Groups

June 26, 2024

Develop a presentation on ethics from the perspective of a nurse manager. Groups will have 3 students. You will be exploring how the nurse manager would respond in your described situation.
Situation : Pro-Life v. Pro-Choice
Be sure to clearly describe the issue and explain whether it is a hypothetical situation or taken from your nursing practice.
As you discuss the ethical issue, you will apply the MORAL Decision-Making Model and discuss two ethical principles to assist in resolving the ethical issues.
Be creative in your presentation format and make an effort to engage your audience.
You should ensure the following in your presentation:
Describe an ethical scenario from nursing practice. This can involve patients or staff.
Discuss the topic from the perspective of a nurse manager. Be sure to clearly discuss the question: What is the nurse manager’s role in the ethical scenario?
Briefly explain the MORAL Decision-Making Model.
Apply the MORAL Model to the ethical scenario identified by the students. Review Learning Exercise 4.6 in your Text for solving an ethical issue with MORAL modeling.
Identify two ethical principle(s) and how they apply to the chosen ethical issue.
Identify the significance of this issue and the critical thinking skills/process that the nurse manager may use to approach the issues.
Be sure that documentation from the professional literature supports the topic and is cited correctly in the paper. Please follow APA formatting for all Resources cited.
Include at least 3 professional journal articles in your references list. References should be no older than 5 years.

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