Description: Your final writing assignment will respond to the prompt below. Thi

April 28, 2024

Description: Your final writing assignment will respond to the prompt below. This assignment will require you to utilize the skills you’ve developed at intersectional analysis throughout the semester, and will ask you to show a deep understanding of content from throughout the entire course (not just the first half of the semester). 
Throughout this semester, we learned that there are many different ways to be a feminist and to apply feminist analysis. In this essay, reflect on how your understanding of feminisms has evolved throughout the course.
First, reflecting on the lessons over the past 14 weeks, please define ‘feminisms’ in your own words. Be sure that you explain why we talk about feminisms in the plural rather than as singular.
Second, please choose at least three topics from this course that have influenced your understanding of feminisms. Two of those topics must come from the second half of the semester (week 7 and after). 
Please spend time explaining how you see those topics as part of feminisms and what you think those topics contribute to feminist work. 
You should also take time to explore how these topics contribute to intersectional feminisms (i.e., How do these topics help us understand how larger power structures operate? What communities do these topics help incorporate into feminist analyses and feminist work?)
Reflect on how this course contributed to new insights for you. Did this course change what you imagined feminism to be? Did it change the way you think about your own fields? Will you carry anything with you in your personal or professional life?
Please be sure to cite at least 4 different course texts. Like the topics you discuss, at least two of the readings must come from week 7 or after. Four is the minimum–you are more than welcome to cite more texts and incorporate outside sources if you want to!
Your essay must be approximately 6-8 pages. You must include a formal works cited page, even for course texts! This is a good opportunity to practice creating one or to start learning how to use a citation manager 🙂 Any citation style is fine, just be sure to use the same citation style throughout your whole paper. Please utilize “standard” academic formatting (Times New Roman 12pt font, 1 inch margins, double spaced, left aligned). 
Please ensure that your paper is original writing by you. Things like peer review are totally acceptable so long as it’s still you doing the actual writing and content analysis! Please also keep in mind our in-class AI activity that explored what AI is good for (big ideas taken with a grain of salt, brainstorming, etc.) and what AI is not as good for (deep analysis, reliable information, giving real sources, etc.). If you have questions or concerns about any of this, please feel free to reach out!
Grading Criteria:
Project utilizes an intersectional feminist lens.
Project shows understanding of feminisms and course content.
Project engages with at least 3 different course topics and meets other specified requirements.
Writing is proofread and edited with care.
Project idea or concept illustrates student effort.
Essay has standard formatting (Times New Roman, size 12, 1 inch margins, double spaced).
resource link to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site.

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