describe this phase in your life, and how you plan on using it as the main focus of your memoir.

February 1, 2023

By this time, you should have read a good portion of Minor Feelings, as well as how Sociologists approach culture. Your final paper consists of an in depth reflection of your own experiences with your culture. For this assignment, think about a period or a phase in your life that was particularly powerful in your development. Consider why it was so impactful, and how it shaped who you are today. In 250 words, describe this phase in your life, and how you plan on using it as the main focus of your memoir.

After you post your response, review and respond to at least two of your peers. Offer in depth, and substantive feedback of at least 100 words.

“As a peer reviewer, your job is not to provide answers. You raise questions; the writer makes the choices. You act as a mirror, showing the writer how the draft looks to you and pointing out areas which need attention.” – S. Williams (Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa’s Writing Program)

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