Describe an experience from your past that greatly impacted your life.

December 29, 2022

“Describe an experience from your past that greatly impacted your life. How did this occurrence help shape the person you
are today? What expectations do you have for your study abroad experience and in what way do you think this experience will affect your life?”–electives – this is the ISA program for Madrid Spain
Use the passage below to help answer the question above, if you need to make up a story to get a better essay that’s ok.

For the question above the essay should not be no longer than 400 words.
Where can I begin? As of a young age my parents were determined to raise me in a cultural, spiritual and loving surrounding. I was born in the United States, however my parents decided it’s best to raise me and my brother in our home country (Ethiopia). When I came of age now I understand the impact of their choices on our foundation of character. Growing up my parents tried their best to take us to different places in Ethiopia and also abroad in Europe and Asia. I grew fond of learning other languages, cultures, and lifestyles; in time appreciating and exploring the world became a big part of me.

Besides the passion I have for learning and exploring other cultures, this opportunity of studying abroad can improve my academic and professional career by challenging me to go to a place I have never been before and develop my survival skills, it can help me develop my communication skills and push me to network with others out of my comfort zone while earning credits towards my degree. Since it will be my first time traveling by myself, I am looking forward to gaining high value skills such as intercultural communication, adaptability, and problem-solving skills from this experience. I believe that this program will help me learn how to multitask, overcoming fear of being by myself and adapting to my surroundings alongside achieving great academic results.

Second question, on a different page (IMPORTANT)

Describe how engaging with your identities during your ISA
program will contribute to your personal and academic
goals. – ISA program reference please scan through it to get a better understanding of abroad studies and how it can impact personal and academic goals.

Use the passage above to help answer the second question, if you need to make up a story to get a better essay that’s ok.

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