April 2, 2024

Human Geography Short Research Paper. Page length: 4 pages of written text (1000 words) not including appendix (if applicable) or bibliography. Papers exceeding the page length will only be graded up to the page limit (i.e. if you hand in a 5 page paper, your grade will be based on the first 4 pages). Graphics (charts, tables, maps) if applicable should be placed in an appendix following the paper and should be numbered appropriately.
Everything that appears as part of your appendix should be referenced in your paper, i.e.: (Figure 1, Figure 2). Everything that appears in your bibliography must be properly cited in your paper. Format: Assignments must be double spaced, 12 pt, in Times New Roman, with 1” margins all around.
Subfield: Students must indicate which subfield(s) of human geography their topic relates to in the introductory paragraph.
Rubric: Your paper will be graded using a rubric (included at the end of this document). You must include the rubric as part of your paper on the very last page.
Turnitin: All papers will be scanned through Turnitin software to assess instances of accidental plagiarism. You will see instances where your text matches other published and stored sources, and will be given an opportunity to make necessary changes before submitting your work.
Sources: Students must include at least 5 academic sources (journal articles or academic books) in their assignment and make reference to appropriate additional material (i.e. policy material, reports, newspaper or magazine articles). Refrain from using Wikipedia as a source in your paper. Your textbook can count as one academic source. You must include a bibliography which lists all sources used in the body of your paper in alphabetical order in the APA referencing style. All sources appearing in the bibliography must be cited in the text. You do not need to include an abstract or running header for your paper.
Contemporary Issue in Human Geography.
The first thing that you need to do is to select your topic. On the bottom of this page is a list of possible topics. If selecting one of the topics below, you will need to narrow the focus. You can try turning the topic into a question (i.e. should corporations be forced to exercise environmental responsibility?), and then try to find a case study that is linked to the topic. The answer to the question will form your argument / thesis statement. Pick a manageable topic and focus (remember that you are writing a short research paper!). Each paper must be narrowed to a specific geography.
Possible Topics (need to be narrowed!):
• Energy resources and the natural environment
• Impact of natural disasters on the human geography of the associated place
• Environmental sustainability and corporate practices
• Population growth and government policies to address this change
• Inequality and economic globalization (can focus on a single industry such as the garment industry or on a particular manufacturer if you can find enough information)
• Cultural globalization and diversity
• The social / natural relations of commodity production / consumption (can select a commodity and trace from production to consumption)
• The status of a minority language
• Body decoration and cultural adaptation
• Challenges of mega-cities (can focus on a single mega-city)
• Rural depopulation in Canada
• Role of public and private transportation in cities
• Unchecked growth and urban development (i.e. sprawl)
• Housing as a commodity and universal right
• Gentrification and low-income groups
• Principle of nationalism and associated conflict with other states / between cultural groups
• COVID-19 and health geographies
The Research Stage:
In writing a research paper, one of the most challenging tasks that every student will face is evaluating which information to include, and which information to leave out. There is a large amount of information on every contemporary issue, and you will not be able to include everything that you find.
The Writing Stage:
Papers should be written in essay format. In your introduction, you should state the contemporary issue you are writing about and which subfield(s) of human geography your topic is related to.
Your introduction must lay out your thesis statement. The body of your paper (made up of several paragraphs each with their own contribution to your thesis statement) should provide relevant context and a summary of the evidence you found related to your chosen issue.
The conclusion of your paper should indicate what outcomes you think are most likely based on the evidence you have provided. Statements such as “only time will tell” should be avoided!
Your thesis statement must be addressed in your conclusion. The conclusion should not restate the introduction. Remember to put aside some time for editing your paper (at least a few days). Once you have finished your first draft, read it over carefully. Is the writing clear and concise throughout? Are there any errors and / or shortcomings?. It is critical that you back up any claims that you are making using various kinds of sources. ONLY include information which is related to what you are talking about. Remember that only a small fraction of the information that you collect during the research stage will end up in your paper! I would recommend this resource if you don’t have one: Okun, M., & Ruddock, N. (2022).
The Broadview Pocket Guide to Citation and Documentation–Third Edition. Broadview Press.
GES 120: Human Geography Short Research Paper Rubric
Introduction (topic and thesis are presented clearly; writing is focused; argument is supported; subfield(s) is/are noted) —5 MARKS
Evidence / Support (argument builds throughout paper; central issues are identified; claims are supported; free of extraneous/irrelevant material or facts) — 10MARKS
Critical thought and analysis (creates linkages to course themes; shows understanding of concepts being employed; analyzes strengths/weaknesses of all positions; original/creative) — 15 MARKS
Organization /Style (mechanics are precise and grammatically correct; paragraphs are continuous and coherent; paragraphs include topic sentences; follows essay format) –10 MARKS
Conclusion (topic and thesis are addressed but not restated; indicates outcomes) — 5 MARKS
Referencing / bibliography (draws on sources appropriately in text (i.e. doesn’t overuse one source); quotes properly; introduces and contextualizes quotes/ideas, cites sources when necessary; includes a minimum of 5 academic sources)—5 MARKS
Total (maximum) 50 MARKS

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