Critical Analysis Paper/Case Analysis Select one case from Collaborative Resilie

July 1, 2024

Analysis Paper/Case Analysis
one case from Collaborative Resilience: Moving Through Crisis to
Opportunity (use the images uploaded. Use this case to respond to the
following questions:
What case did you select? Why did you select this
case? What about it resonated with your thinking about the major issues in
this course?
What are the key issues
presented in the case?
What are the key
questions that needed to be asked but were not? How would this information help
you to better understand the case?
Choose one other reading
from the semester that you believe helps you to better understand the case that
you have selected. How does that reading help you to better understand the
major issues in the case?
According to Goldstein,
et. Al (pgs. 1 – 148), what are the steps that can be taken to move through
crisis to opportunity in your case? Are these steps applicable to other efforts
to build resilience in a community? Why or why not?
What additional plans would
you put in place to bring the community/communities in your case to resilience?
Are your ideas in alignment with Goldstein, et

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