Create a presentation, no more than a total of 7 slides to explain: • the concep

June 24, 2024

Create a presentation, no more than a total of 7 slides to explain:
• the concept of Turnover – the two types: voluntary and involuntary.
• examples of what can be done to reduce voluntary turnover, at least ten examples to offer as recommendations. Using Table 6.1, page 142, Critical Dimensions of Procedural Justice, as a reference.
• Understanding involuntary turnover, Table 6.2, on page 146, write five corrective action statements for five different employee situations, you must submit for discipline to HR because these employees are experiencing typical disciplinary problems (see Table 6.2). For each situation, identify the type of progressive discipline you recommend and why. Use pages 146-149, specifically. You can make up names for the five employees.
• Summary slide – what have you learned from this activity?

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