Assignment #2 Case 1 B Integrated Logisti

April 20, 2024
Assignment #2
Case 1 B Integrated Logistics for SES/BAG – Assignment 2
Case 1 B Integrated Logistics for SES/BAG – Assignment 2
Assignment #2 Content
Be sure to review the Grading Rubric to understand how this Project will be graded. 
MLA format
Note that your assignment should be submitted to this forum of Blackboard. Use a doc. file format for your attachment only. Note the due date for this assignment.
Please do not plagiarize as we will use a plagiarism-prevention tool to determine the authenticity of your work. Any work not properly cited is considered plagiarism whether it is a quote or idea. Refer to the APA information for greater detail. Chegg or other homework sites are not acceptable sites to reference. 
See the due date posted on the class schedule.
Case 1 Integrated Logistics for SES/BAG found on pages 396-399
Minimum 1200 words.
Include two external resources (outside the book) to support your recommendations made when answering the questions. Questions one through five (1- 5) are on page 399 of your textbook. 
Summarize the Case.
What is the Problem?
Define the performance cycle and the impact on service.
Answer the questions on the case. Yes or no is not an acceptable answer. 
Do not number your answers. The case should be in MLA format and third person. There is no need to start your sentences with, “I think.” This is your paper. Everything in it, other than referenced sources, should be “your thoughts.” 
A visual diagram for question 1 is not required, however, you must define the stages and address which stages have value and which ones do not and why.

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