Contact +1 573 294 8850 Leadership and Followership Project, you are to prepare

May 23, 2024

Contact +1 573 294 8850
Leadership and Followership Project, you are to prepare an APA-formatted
analysis paper of at least 2,000 words that addresses the following:
1. First, based upon your research from Unit 1 and any additional research suggested in
your instructor’s feedback or needed to deepen your analysis, identify your major
program of study at Southwestern College and then describe in some depth, supported
by your research, the desirable: 1) Followership styles; 2) Followership traits; 3)
Leadership styles; and 4) Leadership traits that are directly applicable to your major
program of study.
2. Second, develop at least four (4) conclusions from your research and analysis regarding
how your research study of Leadership and Followership has informed your
understanding of the roles of leaders and followers working in fields associated
with your major program of study. Describe how this understanding has shaped your
goals and career aspirations that you will pursue upon your graduation from College.
3. Third, conclude your analysis by explaining why the Leadership and Followership styles
and traits you identified are of importance to your future career success in your major
program of study, citing your research sources as appropriate.
For this research, use only peer-reviewed and credible sources. News sources, general
information Websites, encyclopedias, or other similar sources may not be used.
Requirements for the Analysis Paper:
 Prepare a quality, substantive paper that addresses the objectives of the assignment
and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric.
 A minimum of 2,000 words excluding the title page and references is required.
 Use APA style: Refer to APA Resources and the Online Tutoring Center resources in
Academic Resources (see SC College Resources Links) for guidance on writing style and
page and citation formatting.
 A minimum of 10 sources of credible evidence in addition to course resources that have
been published within the past 10 years is required. Use following references:Beckley, J. (2020). Leading and Following: The Co-Construction of Leadership. Leadership, 16(3), 353-372.

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