Consider the following employment law issues: The employee’s right(?) not to hav

April 3, 2024

Consider the following employment law issues:
The employee’s right(?) not to have their job terminated without just cause;
The employee’s right(?) not to have their job terminated without reasonable notice;
The employee’s right(?) not to have their job terminated if they have a disability and the employer has not taken reasonable steps to accommodate them.
Question One – 10 marks
Compare and contrast how these issues are handled under the following legal regimes. Cite relevant laws and cases and explain how each legal regime handles the above “rights”/ issues.
Ontario statutes and regulations;
Ontario common law;
Federal statutes and regulations; and
The typical union collective agreement in Ontario.
Recommended length – four pages, double spaced.
Question Two – 15 marks
Review and assess the costs and benefits under each of the above legal regimes for employees, for employers, and for the economy generally. For example, which legal regime best protects workers? Do skilled workers or professionals need the same protections as general workers? What about so-called “gig” workers? Which legal regime is best for businesses? Do all businesses have the same employment law interests? Would all businesses do best under the same rules? Which regime would make our economy most competitive, in the short term and in the long term? Which legal regime would produce the most jobs, the best jobs, and economic growth? Which legal regime would cause inflation? Which legal regime would make Ontario a more equal and better place to live? Should the law change if the economy is booming or if the economy is slumping? Consider relevant legal and policy issues in addition to the examples that I have given.
Use primary resources (such as reliable statistics, properly cited) and secondary sources (such as academic articles and reviews). Fully cite your sources to back up your arguments. I am looking for clear and effective writing, with policy and legal arguments, rather than an unsupported personal opinion. Personal opinions on their own carry no weight.
Recommended length – six pages, double spaced.

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