Conduct research surrounding potential barriers to entry for new-comers into ass

July 10, 2024

Conduct research surrounding potential barriers to entry for new-comers into asset-based supply chain and logistics. Taking the vantage point of a consulting firm, write a short white paper whose audience is a client that is considering starting-up an asset-based supply chain and logistics company. The paper will provide a solution for a new-comer’s entry into asset-based supply chain and logistics.
Specific sections to your white paper should include:
Define the audience and their concerns;
Potential barriers to entry for new-comers;
Compare and contrast potential barriers for an asset-based new-comer versus non-asset based new-comer;
Provide a recommended solution as to which approach (asset vs. non-asset) is best;
Summarize the potential benefits and return on investment from your recommendation;

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