Conduct preliminary research on Reducing Sodium Intake  1.  Do not include a tit

July 3, 2024

Conduct preliminary research on Reducing Sodium Intake 
1.  Do not include a title page for this assignment, proceed per intructions. Use nutriton/healthcare based references/sources that are up to date.Keep
track of the sources you consult along the way since they will be included in an
Annotated Working Bibliography and the References citation listing. 
2. Appropriate visuals
(2 total) are required.  
3.  The discussion
section is limited to an average of two
direct quotes per discussion page, but there is no limit to the number of
paraphrase and summary parenthetical citations. Long quotes should not be
greater than 5-7 lines typed. 
in parenthetical documentation must appear as they do in the References. The
References must include a minimum of 5 sources, none of which may be
encyclopedias or dictionaries. 
The purpose of the report is
to showcase analytical and critical thinking skills, not to write a “book
report” that simply states factual information. The topic guidelines are there to help you
frame both your research and writing approach for the Report. (Specific Instructions are attatched). 

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