Compose a Classification Essay of 700 words. Follow the classic 5 paragraph stru

June 29, 2024

Compose a Classification Essay of 700 words.
Follow the classic 5 paragraph structure:
Body Paragraph 1
Body Paragraph 2
Body Paragraph 3
Be sure to clearly define the principle of classification in the Introduction.
In the each body paragraph be sure each category is clearly and adequately defined and developed.
Dividing or classifying a complex subject into simpler parts can help the reader grasp an idea more easily.
In this pattern, each body paragraph should adequately describe and define each category.
Select one principle of classification
types of venomous snakes in North America
types of oak trees in Alabama
genres of popular music in the twentieth century
Make the purpose for the classification clear to the audience
develop each paragraph so the reader understands why the category is included
Account for all the parts in the classification scheme
You may choose any topic.

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