Complete the post lab questions from the provided data. This is Chem 125 Work pl

April 2, 2024

Complete the post lab questions from the provided data. This is Chem 125 Work please make sure to be aware of how to complete this work before accepting. I will provide a very hefty tip if correct as this is a very important assignment. There are three parts of data which then will be concluded with a calculation part for each section. (ex. Use part 1 data for the Part 1 calculations or graph, whatever be the case) I have completed some of the work and the work that is with a green check is correct. Please make sure to answer every section that includes a question and the questions that have a red “X” on them as they were deemed incorrect.  Please make sure to create the grapghs when needed such as in part 1… or excertera. Please include your work at the end in the ending “Notebook Pages” Again thank you so much. 

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