Complete the following readings from your textbook, Basic Practice of Statistics

July 23, 2024

Complete the following readings from your textbook, Basic Practice of Statistics (9th ed):
* Chapter 12 Introducing Probability
* Chapter 13 General Rules of Probability
* Chapter 14 Binomial Distributions
Respond to the following questions regarding the graphs and numbers in paper#665854799
1. What is a true null hypothesis?
2. What is a false null hypothesis?
3. What is a sampling distribution?
4. What is a p-value?
5. What is statistical significance?
6. What is a type 1 error?
7. What is the effect size?
8. What is an effect size error?
9. How did the effect size change with increases in sample size?
10. How did statistical significance change with increases in sample size?
11. Why did statistical significance become useless with n = 1,000?

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