Complete the following on the Data tab of the Pastas R Us data file:  Calculate

April 30, 2024

Complete the following on the Data tab of the Pastas R Us data file: 
Calculate “Annual Sales” for each restaurant. Annual Sales is the result of multiplying a restaurant’s “SqFt.” by “Sales/SqFt.” The first value has been provided for you. 
Calculate the mean, standard deviation, skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile range (IQR) for each of the variables. The formulas and the first results have been provided for you. 
Create a boxplot (sometimes referred to as a box and whisker chart) for the “Annual Sales” variable. 
Create a histogram for the “Sales/SqFt” variable. 
Respond to the following questions on the Questions tab of the Pastas R Us data file: 
Does the annual sales boxplot look symmetric? 
Would you prefer the IQR instead of the standard deviation to describe the dispersion of the annual sales variable? If so, why? 
Does the histogram show that the sales per square foot distribution is symmetric? 
If the sales per square foot distribution is not symmetric, what is the skew? 
If there are any outliers, which one(s)? What is the “SqFt” area of the outlier(s)?
Is the outlier(s) smaller or larger than the average restaurant in the data? What can you conclude from this observation? 
What measure of central tendency may be more appropriate to describe “Sales/SqFt”? Why? 
Submit your assignment.
Assignment Support
Review “Create a Histogram” from Microsoft 365 Support to learn how to create a histogram in Microsoft Excel. 
Review “Create a Box and Whisker Chart” from Microsoft 365 Support to learn how to create a box plot in Microsoft Excel.
Watch the selections from “Mastering Basic Charts and Graphs” from LinkedIn Learning in this week’s learning activities to see how to create histograms and box and whisker charts in Excel.
Watch “Excel Quick Tips” from LinkedIn Learning in this week’s learning activities to get answers to common questions about working with data in Excel. 
Week 1 HW example:
I want all of you to earn full points in the week one assignment titled: “Wk 1 – Apply Statistics Analysis.” Please follow the guidelines carefully; in that way, you will earn full credit for this assignment. I attached an Excel page below; please see attached below how I structured the page. I am giving you a specific example; so that the directions for this assignment are clear to you. Please remember that the data set you will work with has 74 observations and the formulas are already embedded in the Excel page. I also created a video for you to get further clarification. I hope you found this video helpful.  (
Week-1 Example of the format.xlsx. (ATTACHED)
Before you submit your assignment, please double-check the following:
1. The assignment should be a Single Sheet Excel document.
2. To answer the questions, you must use a text box on the Excel page in a specific location and type your answers. Please see the location of the text box in the example I created for you.
3. Calculations of the mean, variance, etc., should be at the end of the data set corresponding to each variable. 
4. You must complete the last vertical column also, and for Annual sales, you need to divide the number by 1000 as shown in the formula shown in the Pastas R Us data set.
You must use Excel formulas to compute those statistics so that I can check the formulas. Suppose you just type the numbers by doing your calculations using any other means. In that case, you will lose 20 points even if your answers are correct since doing so will not demonstrate your mastery of the Excel-related concepts. Please see how I used the formulas on the Excel page I posted with guidance in BB. Please note carefully that the data set I used in the example is not the data set you should be using for the assignment.
If you have any questions, please let me know by posting a question in the “Course Question” Section of the Blackboard page (not as a private message); in that way, my answer will help others in the class who may have the same questions. 

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