Competency 2  Analyze methods for driving change in a health care organization.

July 2, 2024

Competency 2 
Analyze methods for driving change in a health care organization.
Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words:
Driving Change in Health Care 
What is your current philosophy for driving change in the health care industry? Speak from your experience in the health care industry and insight from the MHA program. 
Include an example of industry change that you believe is a priority. Support your perspective with scholarly sources. 
Include a reference list that supports your stance of no fewer than 3 scholarly sources. 
Transparency of Price, Quality, and Safety on Consumer Health Care Choices 
How can the transparency of price, quality, and safety change the way a consumer selects health care choices? Cite a current example of transparency in the health care industry. 
How do consumer decisions affect leadership decisions and organizational directions? Provide an example to illustrate your perspective and support it with scholarly sources.
Include information from:

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