Compare and contrast the assigned topic (Dementia and Delirium) in your initial

June 30, 2024

Compare and contrast the assigned topic (Dementia and Delirium) in your initial discussion post. The goal of this assignment goes beyond simply listing information for each disease; it requires a careful examination of both disorders with a thoughtful discussion of both the similarities and the differences of each. Consider the clinical presentation of each client to the office. Describe their clinical presentation and how their history would impact their diagnosis. 
Address each of the following components using your own words: 
Presentation: Demographics, onset of symptoms, history of present illness, associated risk factors  
Pathophysiology: Similarities and differences in pathophysiology 
Assessment: Physical assessment techniques, appropriate diagnostic testing 
Diagnosis: Additional differential diagnoses to consider, positive findings for each diagnosis 
Management: Similarities and differences in pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, client education, referral, and follow-up care

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